Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Time with Donna

"Aunt" Sherry made an appearance at Whitney's graduation party. The girls have seen her more recently than I have. But I knew exactly who she was. She looks a lot like Donna to me. Maybe it's they way she lights up a room like Donna, the way she commands control of every conversation (without even trying to). It was so good to see her, but it kind of made me sad, and I told her so. In her great way, she turned things around by telling me a "Donna Story."

She told me about this time that she and Donna were out for New Years Eve dancing the night away. While they were in the club, an ice storm hit the city. Of course Donna was wearing 4 inch heels! When they left, Sherry helped Donna over to the cars on the side of the street so she could use them to hold herself up, but Donna still managed to fall and get hurt! They went to the E.R. (on New Year's Eve mind you) and Donna ended up in a sling.

They were due at Sherry's parents' house on New Years Day and their hospital visit made them even later than normal. So of course both sets of parents were mad as heck at them. When asked for an explanation, Sherry looked over at Donna and noticed that Donna had hidden the sling under jacket. She started to explain that they had been to the E.R. and Donna inserted, "for Sherry's friend..." Apparently Donna didn't want everyone to know that she had fallen like a fool! So Sherry made up some elaborate story about her friend that they had taken to the E.R. Classic Donna!