Saturday, July 11, 2009

Meatloaf and...Cheetos?

Whitney ordered meatloaf of all things for lunch today, and it reminded me of one of the strangest and funniest culinary things Mom ever did. Mom made meatloaf all the time, and it was something of a family favorite. She used to take her wedding ring off (which she NEVER did for any other reason EVER) and knead the meat by hand. Mom would practically gag because she hated touching any uncooked meat. I definitely inherited this paranoia from her, so it's a very good thing I am not usually the cook at my house :) One particular evening, Dad had come home from work, and we were all sitting down to dinner as usual (I don't think I ever appreciated the fact that we always ate dinner around the table until much later in life). Dad was just staring at the meatloaf, so we all very silently began looking it over as well. Dad turns to Mom and asks as gingerly as possible as to not hurt her feelings, "Are those...Cheetos on top?!" She pauses and responds a bit nervously, "Well, yeah. I couldn't think of what else to put on top." We all looked at each other and then burst into hysterical laughter. Cheetos! I don't think my mom would have ever eaten a Cheeto if you paid her a million dollars, but she sure used them as garnish that night! To this day, Dad, Whitney and I joke about remembering to put the Cheetos on top of the meal :)

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