Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Best Friend

I moved into a new place two weekends ago, and I have been overcome with emotions over it. I am officially on my own now, and I feel more like an adult than I ever have before. Of course, one major stress I had was finding a place I could bring my animals. Luckily, I found somewhere that I not only got to bring them, but didn't have to pay extra! So I was lying on the couch today with my doggie Ruby lying right on me. I looked around my new place, and I looked at her, and I told her" Ruby, you are my best friend." And this, of all things, really struck a sensitive nerve. Mom used to say this to her greyhounds all the time. I always thought it was silly or weird because I never understood. But Mom was by herself for a while, and even when she was around people, I think she tended to feel alone. Her hounds were her world, and there is NOTHING she wouldn't have done for them. They were like three four-legged children, and they acted like it too! I completely understand the feeling now. The dogs never judged her for what she did, never argued with her, never lied to her, and never left her. They loved her, listened to her, and most of all they needed her. I now know why she was always anxious when she had to leave them, and in a big hurry to get home to them. Ruby is glued to me pretty much all the time, and I tell her all the time how much "Grammy D" would have loved her. She appears to be a greyhound mix, which is really random but highly appropriate. I think she is even more special to me because of the connection with my mom.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! The mom blog resurrected :) I have missed the Donna memories. Keep them coming!
